Dr. Marco converts the patient into a valuable person, full of life, full of expectations, he does an incredible job.
Anonym, 46 y/o, U.S.
They evolved towards more specific methods, and then yes, it started to have fantastic results.
Nadine Cristovão, CEO, 51 y/o, Portugal
Treatment with Marco helped a lot.
Remon and Linda, Netherlands
Thanks to the intentional sessions, I have peace of mind again.
I am Linda and I am from Holland. I started online sessions with Marco in September 2020 after being hospitalized for two years with anorexia and psychotic events, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. They were no longer able to help me in the clinic. I was tube fed when I got home. The sessions with Marco helped me a lot.
Marco is a very nice and calm therapist. He only does an exercise if you feel comfortable with it. Marco is very involved and understands a lot. Thanks to the intentional sessions, I have peace of mind again, I can keep the negative voice under control myself and therefore also my eating behavior. And now I have the eating disorder under control, the depression is gone and I no longer have suicidal thoughts. 3 months after the start with Marco, I reached a minimum healthy weight and unexpectedly got pregnant. I would recommend Marco to everyone. You are in good way, that if you stand for it really helps. I am very happy that Marco wanted to do online sessions
Thanks to the intentional sessions, I have peace of mind again
I am Linda and I am from Holland. I started online sessions with Marco in September 2020 after being hospitalized for two years with anorexia and psychotic events, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. They were no longer able to help me in the clinic. I was tube fed when I got home. The sessions with Marco helped me a lot.
Marco is a very nice and calm therapist. He only does an exercise if you feel comfortable with it. Marco is very involved and understands a lot. Thanks to the intentional sessions, I have peace of mind again, I can keep the negative voice under control myself and therefore also my eating behavior. And now I have the eating disorder under control, the depression is gone and I no longer have suicidal thoughts. 3 months after the start with Marco, I reached a minimum healthy weight and unexpectedly got pregnant. I would recommend everyone to Marco. You are in good way, that if you stand for it really helps. I am very happy that Marco wanted to do online sessions.
I have found a sense of balance within myself, which I thought impossible because of my diagnosis.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
My name is Natalia Mota and I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and schizoid personality disorder.
In January 2018, I started therapy with Dr. Marco Mateus. At the time, I was in a very difficult phase of my illness. I had given up on my fight to get better and was in a state of denial of life.
With the therapy, I started to believe in my abilities and I began to improve, being at peace with life. I did regression therapy as well as other therapeutic approaches to work on my personality and learned to do different exercises to increase my self-confidence and emotional control, which I still do today. This is because they are of a great help and very important for me to control my illness, as well as a process to regain trust in myself, in others and in the world, because of the many traumas I had that made me very distrustful of others. I learned to do meditation, which I consider very important to be able to fall asleep (I had a long history of insomnia). Dr. Marco taught me to be more disciplined, which was something very difficult for me.
In this way, I managed to incorporate several activities into my life, which, together with the therapy, allowed me to return to an active lifestyle. I enrolled myself in a professional course and a gym to become a more active and responsible person. I began to have a new vision of life and the world around me, as well as accepting the idea of taking on life's challenges, something unthinkable before, as I had a huge fear of ridicule and not being able to cope with situations that would eventually arise.
Today I have found inner peace, I started to have feelings (I always had emptiness inside) and most importantly, I have found a sense of balance within myself, which I thought impossible because of my diagnosis. Thank you Dr. Marco, and always stay the person that you are!
Today, I am a great Woman! Thank you Marco, you will always have a very special place in my life.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Hello, everyone, my name is Inês F. If you are reading this, it is because you already believe it a little. If you are reading this testimonial, you hope to believe more and more in what is probably the only solution to your troubles. I am 21 years old now. My childhood was in many ways very short-lived. The adversities of life forced me, from a very young age, to find the most diverse coping mechanisms as a form of escapism. I was diagnosed with psychosis, which included
episodes of hallucinations, panic attacks, self-harm, night terror, paranoia, mental exhaustion, depression, anxiety, and it all stemmed from family problems, such as domestic violence, attempted rape and financial difficulties. In short, from a very young age with considerable issues on my mind, compared to the minimal answers presented to me, my hopes at each new appointment with a new mental health professional would diminish. After about eight years of therapy, sessions and retreats, I had a physical breakdown. My mind, at the age of 16, was like living with a brain that is equivalent to a non-stop machine. I was never able to “switch it off”. My brain had not eliminated anything since the age of two, all adversities became a puddle of confusion with a fatal question: what am I doing here? After an initial admission to the child psychiatric ward of the Santa Maria hospital, and a failed attempt to pursue a so-called "normal" life. The school environment was terrifying and the excellent student I had always managed to be, despite it all, faded into shadows of thoughts. Overnight, all my fears, experiences, hurt and wounds became one single thing: the need to protect myself from the outside world. All of a sudden, I was no longer able to live in society, and I did not trust anyone. This included any person, whether sitting, standing, alone or not, behind me, was not safe. Everyone was talking about me. All the people behind me, queuing up at the bar, were laughing at me and wanted to hurt me. On the bus, if I did not get off as quickly as possible or get to the last, safest seat in the last row, everyone would join together to physically harass me. That is what my head was telling me. In this state of panic, I needed urgent help. I cried for help again, and was sectioned to a hospital with the worst reputation in Portugal, Júlio de Matos, in the hopes that I could be cured once and for all, and then be a normal girl, which was all I ever wanted. Three child psychiatrists would stare at me seriously as I begged them to be sectioned. After three weeks at the hospital, seeing patients with all sorts of troubles, as bad as or worse than my own, I needed to get out. However, I was in a bubble, which protected me from a world that would continue to exist once I was out. It was difficult; faith and willpower were always the key. The belief that a cure was possible allowed me to be here today, writing to you. For a girl who had tried everything, who had been through so much, it was not hard to believe that Marco could really help me.
Although at first it was all a bit confusing, the explanations of what my life could be like from then on were the tree from which the fruits would grow after a while. With individual sessions, and exercises tailored to my needs, techniques such as hypnosis and personal recognition taught me how to live in society again. Marco, a neuro-linguistic programmer, was able to create such a strong bond with me that we were able to find the most profound answers and accept them. For Marco, I was always creative. The goal was to channel my creativity. Session after session, the results were visible, and all the prescription drugs I had been taking for years, which I was told I would have to take them for the rest of my life, were reduced to zero and I ceased to have psychosis. I did not need to hide the problem. I needed to address it and learn to cope with it. Today I am very happy; I have made peace with my past. I am finishing a course I fell in love with, and you will not believe it: I feel able to do whatever I want in the future and my career. Today, I am a great Woman!
Thank you Marco, you will always have a very special place in my life.
Contrary to what many doctors have told me, Sara has improved a lot with Therapist Marco Mateus.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Hello, I am a mother and, like all mothers, I want the best for my children. I am here to tell you a true story. My daughter Sara was a healthy girl until she was 13 years old. One day, she seemed normal until she went to the club where she practiced sports on a daily basis. During her training, as she was preparing for a competition, she passed out and had a seizure.
From that day on, my little girl stopped having a normal life and started to experience a life full of fears, objections and rules that did not exist until then. As time passed by, she began to develop symptoms of psychosis and to have epileptic seizures at any given time, she seemed to lose control over her own mind and the medication stopped working. After a round of exams that denied the existence of epilepsy, the dosage prescribed for her problems were increased to a maximum and it was then that a doctor confirmed that she was epileptic. She had to take pills for the nervous system, to sleep and for depression. Sara began to have a "lifeless" life; she would sleep and wake up not knowing who she was and what she should do.
After years of visits to private practitioners and hospitals, nothing worked. They just said she had to be sectioned and should be taken care of by someone. I was so tired of hearing that Sara could not be treated that I decided to search for less conventional therapies. I found two therapies that worked and the last one was with therapist Marco. With therapist Marco, she started to have three sessions a week and I could notice the difference from the first weeks. The first month she could already speak normally and read, the following months her criseses decreased, she was already writing daily reports and we could already see her enthusiasm and joy. The time between seizures, as well as between symptoms of psychosis, lenghtened and became weaker; Sara did not have a seizure for nine months and previously, she would have seizures almost every week. Contrary to what many doctors have told me, Sara has improved a lot with Therapist Marco Mateus. Attending these sessions took a financial toll on me, but it was a crucial step in our lives that made me realise that my daughter’s problems had solution. Sara started treatment with Therapist Marco Mateus when she was 28 years old and her treatment lasted almost a year. When she was 29 and much more stable, she came to live with me in Germany and here, she started another treatment and has more suitable neurological follow-up, which we couldn’t find in Portugal. Sara is now stable and has become a mother, which was viewed as impossible due to her condition. We are endlessly grateful to Therapist Marco Mateus from all our hearts for his contribution and help in this journey.
I had the dream of healing and not remedying with medication for the rest of my life
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I leave my testimony, to prove the inspiration it was, after 13 years of diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and 13 hospitalizations I found Dr Marco's website in a search, and knew that someone like me also had the dream of healing and not remedying with medication for the rest of life.
Despite finding myself stabilized, I knew I needed this contact.
In a first phase, Dr Marco, with a panoramic view, was able to see my life situation, which made me feel understood.
In a second phase, he indicated some interventional techniques to have a better quality of life.
In a third phase we addressed the treatment and he gave me some future advice.
Thank you Dr Marco for believing, inspiring and making people dream who in conventional medicine are treated like a chemical compound.
I had the dream of healing and not remedying with medication for the rest of my life
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I leave my testimony, to prove the inspiration it was, after 13 years of diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia and 13 hospitalizations I found Dr Marco's website in a search, and knew that someone like me also had the dream of healing and not remedying with medication for the rest of life.
Despite finding myself stabilized, I knew I needed this contact.
In a first phase, Dr Marco, with a panoramic view, was able to see my life situation, which made me feel understood.
In a second phase, he indicated some interventional techniques to have a better quality of life.
In a third phase we addressed the treatment and he gave me some future advice.
Thank you Dr Marco for believing, inspiring and making people dream who in conventional medicine are treated like a chemical compound.
I recommend to all those who want to learn how to live better.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I am Inês and I am 30 years old. I met Marco after being diagnosed with a major depressive disorder and several suicide attempts. The therapy helped me essentially to know myself better, be able to cope with my fears and worries, control my anxiety and find techniques to deal with my depressive mood states.
Marco is an excellent professional in his field and now also a friend, I recommend him to all those who want to learn how to live better. With him, I have learned to see life from a completely new perspective.
I recommend to all those who want to learn how to live better.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I am Inês and I am 30 years old. I met Marco after being diagnosed with a major depressive disorder and several suicide attempts. The therapy helped me essentially to know myself better, be able to cope with my fears and worries, control my anxiety and find techniques to deal with my depressive mood states.
Marco is an excellent professional in his field and now also a friend, I recommend him to all those who want to learn how to live better. With him, I have learned to see life from a completely new perspective.
I was able to take possession over my thoughts and emotions.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I began therapy with Marco to resolve some anxiety control issues and fears. I had panic attacks for no apparent reason. I also had low self-esteem, which led to social isolation. In just a few sessions, Marco was able to help me address the issues that were affecting my life; he helped me to regain control over myself.
I was able to take possession over my thoughts and emotions, improve my self-esteem and thenceforth, my life changed a lot. This transformation was fundamental for my personal and career trajectory, I started a different path than the one I had until then. I became a person with a more active social life and I was able to engage in a profession that is fulfilling and makes me happy.
I was able to take possession over my thoughts and emotions.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I began therapy with Marco to resolve some anxiety control issues and fears. I had panic attacks for no apparent reason. I also had low self-esteem, which led to social isolation. In just a few sessions, Marco was able to help me address the issues that were affecting my life; he helped me to regain control over myself.
I was able to take possession over my thoughts and emotions, improve my self-esteem and thenceforth, my life changed a lot. This transformation was fundamental for my personal and career trajectory, I started a different path than the one I had until then. I became a person with a more active social life and I was able to engage in a profession that is fulfilling and makes me happy.
I hope your therapy will bear as much fruit as mine.
Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Hello! My testimony: I found myself in these therapies at a time when I was in "free fall" into depression. It was not the first time; my history of depression goes back a long way. I tried many things, the first therapy was work, it did not work and and my body collapsed. Psychics did not help, nor prescription drugs, psychologists or psychiatrists. These would often make me feel worse. Natural medicines are not as fast-acting, when I would feel myself spiralling into depression again and recognised I needed help. I did not want any of the previous solutions.
A friend of mine told me she knew someone who could help me, who did a different kind of work. I decided to try it; I did not have much to lose, because when you get to that point, you have already lost the most important thing, the will to live. In the beginning, I found the sessions a bit strange and the way they were conducted in a playful, relaxed way, but I started to participate, accept the suggestions, do my homework, and I was improving, becoming more resilience. One of the sessions that made the biggest impact on me was with a Lego game. I laughed at the idea but soon realised it was a very serious game, after an hour or so I felt it on my skin. I developed almost instantly a skin rash; such was the power of my unleashed emotions. I think anxiety leads to panic attacks and depression. It is like a very unpleasant person we may know, the best thing is to avoid them but if that is not possible, we have to learn to recognise it, know what to expect from it and overcome it. This treatment has worked best for me in the medium term (more or less four years). From time to time, I still feel close to the precipice; when this happens, I use the tools I learned back then and move on. I have immense respect for people who suffer from these emotional and psychological pains, because I have felt them and I know that they are often worse than other physical pains. It is not easy to get out of these situations, but it is possible. I hope your therapy will bear as much fruit as mine. Best wishes!
I hope your therapy will bear as much fruit as mine.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Hello! My testimony: I found myself in these therapies at a time when I was in "free fall" into depression. It was not the first time; my history of depression goes back a long way. I tried many things, the first therapy was work, it did not work and and my body collapsed. Psychics did not help, nor prescription drugs, psychologists or psychiatrists. These would often make me feel worse. Natural medicines are not as fast-acting, when I would feel myself spiralling into depression again and recognised I needed help. I did not want any of the previous solutions.
A friend of mine told me she knew someone who could help me, who did a different kind of work. I decided to try it; I did not have much to lose, because when you get to that point, you have already lost the most important thing, the will to live. In the beginning, I found the sessions a bit strange and the way they were conducted in a playful, relaxed way, but I started to participate, accept the suggestions, do my homework, and I was improving, becoming more resilience. One of the sessions that made the biggest impact on me was with a Lego game. I laughed at the idea but soon realised it was a very serious game, after an hour or so I felt it on my skin. I developed almost instantly a skin rash; such was the power of my unleashed emotions. I think anxiety leads to panic attacks and depression. It is like a very unpleasant person we may know, the best thing is to avoid them but if that is not possible, we have to learn to recognise it, know what to expect from it and overcome it. This treatment has worked best for me in the medium term (more or less four years). From time to time, I still feel close to the precipice; when this happens, I use the tools I learned back then and move on. I have immense respect for people who suffer from these emotional and psychological pains, because I have felt them and I know that they are often worse than other physical pains. It is not easy to get out of these situations, but it is possible. I hope your therapy will bear as much fruit as mine. Best wishes!
From the first contact, his professionalism and empathy were decisive.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I arrived at apointment with Marco in a disorganised, sad and discouraged state of mind; I did not know Marco or his work, but I knew that I had to do something for myself and at that moment that could be the solution. I had no idea what to expect, but from the first contact, his professionalism and empathy were decisive.
We worked for one year with various techniques, some of them I would say “out of the box”, but it helped me a lot in my journey to better understand myself, hold myself together and organise my thoughts! It was a really positive experience with results. I highly recommend Marco, besides being a consummate professional, with many years of experience and knowledge that is not easy to find, he is also a friend who stays by your side. Thank you very much. Kisses and Success.
From the first contact, his professionalism and empathy were decisive.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I arrived at apointment with Marco in a disorganised, sad and discouraged state of mind; I did not know Marco or his work, but I knew that I had to do something for myself and at that moment that could be the solution. I had no idea what to expect, but from the first contact, his professionalism and empathy were decisive.
We worked for one year with various techniques, some of them I would say “out of the box”, but it helped me a lot in my journey to better understand myself, hold myself together and organise my thoughts! It was a really positive experience with results. I highly recommend Marco, besides being a consummate professional, with many years of experience and knowledge that is not easy to find, he is also a friend who stays by your side. Thank you very much. Kisses and Success.
I ended up being psychologically stronger and more autonomous.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I had sessions with Dr. Marco and felt better during these consultations, although I find it strange that I hardly told him anything about my problems, I ended up being psychologically stronger and more autonomous, that is now about eight years ago. A big hug to Dr. Marco and thank you.
I ended up being psychologically stronger and more autonomous.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I had sessions with Dr. Marco and felt better during these consultations, although I find it strange that I hardly told him anything about my problems, I ended up being psychologically stronger and more autonomous, that is now about eight years ago. A big hug to Dr. Marco and thank you.
I am very grateful and I ask that God bless you always!
Marco is unique in his area of expertise because he goes beyond his professional competence. He is completely welcoming during the sessions and also outside of them, when he answers messages, when he guides and proposes exercises, so that the patient can get out of a crisis situation. And still, the next day, he sends a message, wanting to know if he's better. He offers support that makes all the difference in the treatment and makes him a very special therapist.
At a time when I was confused, feeling lost and without seeing a way out, he helped me find my way and feel safe and confident to continue walking.
Excellence, dedication, delivery, professionalism
I recommend Marco Therapist for his excellence, dedication, delivery, professionalism and above all for the integrative vision he has and applies in his interventions, which are very different from conventional interventions for mental illness. My son improved immensely with all the strategies and interventions carried out, making it possible to withdraw some medication and restore his normal day-to-day functioning with more confidence, self-esteem and less suffering. Gratitude for everything!
He is a competent, dedicated and reliable professional who I highly recommend.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Three years ago, I had a very effective treatment with Dr. Marcos Mateus. Through his working method, he was able to heal my childhood traumas and helped me overcome emotional difficulties, among other problems. His therapy had an extraordinary effect on me, which more than compensated for the pain I felt during the therapeutic process.
I did not understand what was going on during the sessions but I can assure you that the goals were achieved. He is a competent, dedicated and reliable professional who I highly recommend.
He is a competent, dedicated and reliable professional who I highly recommend.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Three years ago, I had a very effective treatment with Dr. Marcos Mateus. Through his working method, he was able to heal my childhood traumas and helped me overcome emotional difficulties, among other problems. His therapy had an extraordinary effect on me, which more than compensated for the pain I felt during the therapeutic process.
I did not understand what was going on during the sessions but I can assure you that the goals were achieved. He is a competent, dedicated and reliable professional who I highly recommend.
Life was bright, light and pleasant again.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Doing therapy with Marco eight years ago was extremely important for my well-being and my physical, mental and emotional development. When I went to see him, I felt exhausted and all areas of my life were in turmoil, but from the second session, I had this awakening of consciousness that helped reorganise everything in a simple and beautiful way. Life was bright, light and pleasant again.
Best wishes!
Thank you Marco!
Life was bright, light and pleasant again.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Doing therapy with Marco eight years ago was extremely important for my well-being and my physical, mental and emotional development. When I went to see him, I felt exhausted and all areas of my life were in turmoil, but from the second session, I had this awakening of consciousness that helped reorganise everything in a simple and beautiful way. Life was bright, light and pleasant again.
Best wishes!
Thank you Marco!
I learned more about myself, regained the joy and confidence I had lost.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I met Dr. Marco at the end of 2017.
I had started college to do a course that I always wanted to, but I felt that something was wrong, because thinking about my professional prospects, which had always encouraged me in difficult moments, left me distraught and sad. However, I could not decide whether I wanted to drop out or not, after all, it might just be the initial shock of academic life.
I was consumed by self-doubt. Suddenly, I was in a state where I could not sleep well or eat. I was crying constantly and felt irritable. The thought of going to university made me sick (I even threw up a few times) and even socialising with friends and family, which was always something I enjoyed doing, left me exhausted. Not to mention the thought of time passing, which terrified me. I heard about Dr. Marco's therapy from a friend and decided to try them. For two months, I attended his sessions and did several exercises and treatments (including hypnosis) which allowed me to feel at peace with myself, something I had not felt since I started college and to calm my mind. I learned more about myself, regained the joy and confidence I had lost and managed to find my way back. I decided to take another course, more in line with my nature and developed emotional coping mechanisms to overcome the obstacles and doubts that had come my way without ever going back to the state I once was. I owe a lot to Dr. Marco and I recommend his work.
I learned more about myself, regained the joy and confidence I had lost.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I met Dr. Marco at the end of 2017.
I had started college to do a course that I always wanted to, but I felt that something was wrong, because thinking about my professional prospects, which had always encouraged me in difficult moments, left me distraught and sad. However, I could not decide whether I wanted to drop out or not, after all, it might just be the initial shock of academic life.
I was consumed by self-doubt. Suddenly, I was in a state where I could not sleep well or eat. I was crying constantly and felt irritable. The thought of going to university made me sick (I even threw up a few times) and even socialising with friends and family, which was always something I enjoyed doing, left me exhausted. Not to mention the thought of time passing, which terrified me. I heard about Dr. Marco's therapy from a friend and decided to try them. For two months, I attended his sessions and did several exercises and treatments (including hypnosis) which allowed me to feel at peace with myself, something I had not felt since I started college and to calm my mind. I learned more about myself, regained the joy and confidence I had lost and managed to find my way back. I decided to take another course, more in line with my nature and developed emotional coping mechanisms to overcome the obstacles and doubts that had come my way without ever going back to the state I once was. I owe a lot to Dr. Marco and I recommend his work.
He was the one who helped us at a difficult time.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Six years ago, my daughter Mariana was undecided between two fields of study, which made her very anxious. After a while her state became worse, which led us to seek help from a health professional. At first psychologists suggested prescription drugs, but on the recommendation of a friend, we decided to see Dr. Marcos Mateus.
After one session with her, the area where she needed to focus on was clarified. Until then we did not realize that the problem was just to make one decision... She then became more relaxed and confident because she already knew the direction she wanted to go. We would like to thank you for your help, because at that time it was very important for her not to get discouraged in her studies and to keep fighting for what she wanted to achieve. We recommend Dr. Marco because he was the one who helped us at a difficult time. Thank you for everything!
He was the one who helped us at a difficult time.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
Six years ago, my daughter Mariana was undecided between two fields of study, which made her very anxious. After a while her state became worse, which led us to seek help from a health professional. At first psychologists suggested prescription drugs, but on the recommendation of a friend, we decided to see Dr. Marcos Mateus.
After one session with her, the area where she needed to focus on was clarified. Until then we did not realize that the problem was just to make one decision... She then became more relaxed and confident because she already knew the direction she wanted to go. We would like to thank you for your help, because at that time it was very important for her not to get discouraged in her studies and to keep fighting for what she wanted to achieve. We recommend Dr. Marco because he was the one who helped us at a difficult time. Thank you for everything!
In a few weeks of online sessions, Alexandra has changed a lot.
(Translated from Russian. See original)
I knew Marco for more than a year, I knew him as a good guy, my friend’s husband.
And when trouble came to our house, I asked him to help me with my daughter, after problems in her personal life she had serious problems, self-esteem fell, nervousness began , she stopped sleeping at night, stopped eating, did not leave the room for days, and so on. I thought it would pass with time, but her condition worsened.
After the first three consultations with Marco, we saw the changes, and realized that she was already feeling better and she began to return to us.
In a few weeks of online sessions, Alexandra has changed a lot, matured, became stronger in spirit, cheerful, returned to the university and now glows with happiness. I am very grateful to him for his help.
How much calmer life has become when you know that you can get competent and useful advice.
Now I know that he is not only a good person, but also a true professional in his field.
An excellent professional.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I was first introduced to Dr. Marco's therapy about four years ago. An excellent professional. I overcame a number of past traumas; the most important was a block I had with my father. I am grateful for all his availability, service, competence, which allowed me to overcome these situations.
A heartfelt hug to Dr. Marco.
In a few weeks of online sessions, Alexandra has changed a lot.
(Translated from Russian. See original)
I knew Marco for more than a year, I knew him as a good guy, my friend’s husband.
And when trouble came to our house, I asked him to help me with my daughter, after problems in her personal life she had serious problems, self-esteem fell, nervousness began , she stopped sleeping at night, stopped eating, did not leave the room for days, and so on. I thought it would pass with time, but her condition worsened.
After the first three consultations with Marco, we saw the changes, and realized that she was already feeling better and she began to return to us.
In a few weeks of online sessions, Alexandra has changed a lot, matured, became stronger in spirit, cheerful, returned to the university and now glows with happiness. I am very grateful to him for his help.
How much calmer life has become when you know that you can get competent and useful advice.
Now I know that he is not only a good person, but also a true professional in his field.
An excellent professional.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I was first introduced to Dr. Marco's therapy about four years ago. An excellent professional. I overcame a number of past traumas; the most important was a block I had with my father. I am grateful for all his availability, service, competence, which allowed me to overcome these situations.
A heartfelt hug to Dr. Marco.
I can say that I have always witnessed great clinical results with his therapy.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
As a naturopath, I have been working with Dr. Marco Mateus for at least six years. I have referred many clients with complex mental problems to him and I can say that I have always witnessed great clinical results with his therapy.
I can say that I have always witnessed great clinical results with his therapy.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
As a naturopath, I have been working with Dr. Marco Mateus for at least six years. I have referred many clients with complex mental problems to him and I can say that I have always witnessed great clinical results with his therapy.
I had the opportunity to see how his work transforms other people's lives.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I have managed Dr. Marco’s schedule for some years and I had the opportunity to see how his work transformed other people's lives. I see how they arrive for their first appointment and after a few sessions, see them happier, smiling and hearing them say, "I feel fine today, I can live with the situation that has brought me here" or "When I go to bed, I do not remember what tormented me for more than forty years".
People who have been discharged from mental health institutions, who have attempted suicide and who are now getting on with their lives.
I even have a teenage daughter who also went to him for therapy and now says, "Dr. Marco is one of the most important people in my life".
With all the confidence, I recommend Dr. Marco Mateus as a therapist.
I had the opportunity to see how his work transforms other people's lives.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I have managed Dr. Marco’s schedule for some years and I had the opportunity to see how his work transformed other people's lives. I see how they arrive for their first appointment and after a few sessions, see them happier, smiling and hearing them say, "I feel fine today, I can live with the situation that has brought me here" or "When I go to bed, I do not remember what tormented me for more than forty years".
People who have been discharged from mental health institutions, who have attempted suicide and who are now getting on with their lives.
I even have a teenage daughter who also went to him for therapy and now says, "Dr. Marco is one of the most important people in my life".
With all the confidence, I recommend Dr. Marco Mateus as a therapist.
He has achieved excellent results with his clients in the treatment of psychosis.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
My name is Dr. Richard Beliveau. I would like to state that Dr. Marco Mateus has worked at my clinic, Cáliz, in Torres Vedras, Portugal. He is an excellent and caring professional. He has achieved excellent results with his clients in the treatment of psychosis and other specialised areas. I would be happy to have Dr. Marco Mateus on our team again.
He has achieved excellent results with his clients in the treatment of psychosis.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
My name is Dr. Richard Beliveau. I would like to state that Dr. Marco Mateus has worked at my clinic, Cáliz, in Torres Vedras, Portugal. He is an excellent and caring professional. He has achieved excellent results with his clients in the treatment of psychosis and other specialised areas. I would be happy to have Dr. Marco Mateus on our team again.
He is a human being who was born to help others.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I work as a receptionist at the Caliz clinic where I had the pleasure of assisting Dr. Marco Mateus and his clients. Dr. Marco is a great professional, with excellent results from his therapy. He is a human being who was born to help others with his friendliness, great sense of humour and professionalism. Thank you Dr. Marco.
He is a human being who was born to help others.
(Translated from Portuguese. See original)
I work as a receptionist at the Caliz clinic where I had the pleasure of assisting Dr. Marco Mateus and his clients. Dr. Marco is a great professional, with excellent results from his therapy. He is a human being who was born to help others with his friendliness, great sense of humour and professionalism. Thank you Dr. Marco.